2 i'm lyk 180...haven't measured myself in ages
[i;m in denial]
it kinda suks somtimes...guys r always shorter than u :D
um...this is last year man it feels like ages ago.. :D
english - 93
maths - 93
science - 93
geography - 89
history - 88
computers - 96
i fink i did a weekend of study b4 the exams...dat was my effort
[i'm a crammer - the whole reviion crap doesn;t work 4 me]
and y try in yr 10 when ur doin yr 12??
Yep i scuba dive not very often tho i live inland a bit so dont get the chance v often :(
i got my lisence last year in samoa while visiting relatives...its great fun i love it
:D and the dives ova there were so good compared 2 what i've done in Aust
nybody got some really good dive sites...
no thats not bad...or old enof 2 realise if he ain't treating u right...but if u dont normally date older guys then maybe u should check if ur not worthshippin him kinda thing for goin out wit u u no wat i mean??dont let him get away wit shit coz he is older...speak up on wat u want :D
just because she is 16 doesn't mean she's a virgin...i no ppl who lost their v plates at lyk 12/13 so by 16 they r goin 2 b ova the whole OMG i'm not ready stage...once u've gone there it is so easy to do again...but yea it doesn;t matter when u get older :D