Sorry is this guy an idiot?
People do General Maths and still struggle with it, sure its 'easy', but not all people have the skills to do some of the stuff required, you should be shot. Why should teachers be required to do 2U maths? Relevance please, douchebag.
I thought the MC was easy as,
Short answer wasn't too difficult, nothing I didn't understand.
Extended response was a bomb, barley made sense, question 27 anyway.
Question 26 was stupid as well, my teachers make up better questions than that BS.
Just a hi from me,
Business studies is a painful subject but you seem to do all the hard subjects.
ps: you like Prison break, how awesome is the first 2 series :P
He said about 5 things, repeatedly on that song.
He is shit, and always will be shit, but because people in America are too illiterate to read or understand most English, they turn to this idiot.