Going for my test on the 29th of this month.
Lost log book due to moving, just found it again so i gotta fill in all the hours..
Up to 15 day hours and 4 night hours..
The majority of my holidays will consist of Visual Arts and Design and Tech :(
Gonna have a lot of fun at Utopia though :spzz:
And also the occasional outing with friends
I've been away from school for over a week and i get back today to recieve a business studies assessment task.
I have to choose a business and i have to analyse the different types of business structure.
I have chosen McDonalds and at the moment im completely stuck and it's due in two days...
Wow a person called Gus who lives in turramurra.
I used to haha.
Went to Corpus Christi in St Ives then Marist Brothers before i moved to the Beaches..
Do you know Toby Forde at Knox? He went to Corpus
My teacher introduced me to this website after i submitted this piece.
I did infact get an 11/15 for this short story with a note of "Very effect introduction + nice use of imagery"
Had i known about this website earlier i probably could've received closer to 15.
What would you mark this narrative out of 15?
I woke up with a fright. There were loud noises all around me. I jumped out of bed and looked out the window to see the terror smother my world. I couldn’t clearly see what was happening but there was chaos. Everywhere I looked people were...