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  1. theEXIT

    Covers that you like better than (or as much as) the originals...

    Umbrella - All Time Low (Rihanna) so much greater.
  2. theEXIT

    your current favourite song

    Anything off Lungs - Florence and the Machine
  3. theEXIT

    Does anyone know how PDHPE scales?

    well, i took the plunge the other day and dropped ancient history. Am feeling so much happier now that i can focus better on other subjects like Extension 2 Maths and even PDHPE.
  4. theEXIT

    Does anyone know how PDHPE scales?

    yeah im pretty sure that ill drop ancient history now, but its still pretty scary is 11 units ok?
  5. theEXIT

    Does anyone know how PDHPE scales?

    How badly is badly? Say i was to get a raw mark of 90 in Ancient but a raw mark of 93 in PDHPE?
  6. theEXIT

    Does anyone know how PDHPE scales?

    I've been having a hard time choosing between dropping Ancient History or PDHPE and was wondering how PDHPE scales generally?
  7. theEXIT

    ha ha, just joking =) guess who?

    ha ha, just joking =) guess who?
  8. theEXIT

    Anything funny happen in the test today? Anywhere?

    Ours were so uneventful. The only thing that happened was the clock falling off the wall.
  9. theEXIT

    what was the gradient, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30 or 1:40

    SHIT guessed 1:20 i made a triangle with a and b, but that made no sense and we had a question EXACTLY LIKE IT in yearlies. and i got that one right =.= grr
  10. theEXIT

    Easiest exam of the SC?

    Maths Geo + History were quite easy. But computing will be easiest, hands down =D
  11. theEXIT

    Bushranger Question SC English

    contrasted the green moss + stuff under the shade to the brown land + pools of water when she was out. fail.
  12. theEXIT

    Lee waited for the phone to ring..

    LOTS of people in my school put the iron bars or the dark street one.
  13. theEXIT

    Age/Gender of Supervisors

    The one in our classroom was 60+ female. But we just left our papers on the table, they collected them once we'd walked out.
  14. theEXIT

    Science SC Long Response

    i found it difficult-ish because i didnt know what to write, never learnt anything like that... so i made it all up. Basically i said (water collecting) -desalinisation plants produce carbon dioxide from energy + take up space(habitat) -increased factory + car use makes acid rain + storm water...
  15. theEXIT

    Lee waited for the phone to ring..

    Basically mine was Lee waits for his gf to call paces arounf the house the phone rings. its a telemarketer he wants to call her but doesnt; thinks he sounds desperate gets a text saying HELP from gf drives to her house knocks the door in, is confonted by guy on steroids with hammer proceeds to...
  16. theEXIT

    SC- what did you do to kill time while waiting for the bell to go?

    I started reading all the writing on the walls from the past year 12's, but when i was reading the stuff on the wall all the way across the room the supervisor started glaring at me. So i slept =]