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  1. Tangoto

    How are we getting our HSC results?

    Through the net then burning the paper results. All is well.
  2. Tangoto

    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    I spent the past week and a half procrastinating both study and an English assignment. I don't think I've done anything productive during that time. :( The future's not looking too bright.
  3. Tangoto

    Why do so many white men date/marry asian women?

    It's clearly evident that his tits are so big they've created their own gravitational field, pulling in the short asian chick whose frame is so small she is unable to flee away. It wasn't true love, just another day in the life of a chick magnet.
  4. Tangoto

    How to start studying for trials

    Eh, I'm a massive procrastinator so for the next three weeks I'm hoping to get started early to get into the habit or whatever. For me, gonna quickly go through my subjects and see my weaknesses, work on those and afterwards just trying to keep everything up to scratch. Go through revision...
  5. Tangoto

    Whats the thing you'll miss most next year?

    I won't be missing anything, except for maybe a sheltered environment. After high school, all I see is individualistic freedom. FUCK YEAH.
  6. Tangoto

    Atar estimate

    I don't get it. He's coming first in all subjects, how can he possibly do any better rank-wise? =/
  7. Tangoto


    Never walked inside USYD but I'd assume there would be tons of asians there. Sydney + Asian study routine + Asian parents pressure = USYD?
  8. Tangoto

    ATAR Estimate - I need 94.55

    my school needs to do this. D:
  9. Tangoto

    HSC. advanced english.

    Personally I wouldn't say Advanced English is hard. If you've got good grammar, a creative mind, like to read, and own a thesaurus, then you're good to go. Also give Advanced a try even if you're undecided. You can always drop down if you find that you can't cope. Note, it is quite a step up...
  10. Tangoto

    SHIT half yearlies

    Pretty sure they don't give a shit because they've already gotten a good enough atar to get into uni and hence are able to attain the qualifications for a particular job. =/
  11. Tangoto

    Essay for School Paper / Feedback Please!

    How exactly does this work? I'm pretty skeptical. edit: oh nevermind. tried it with a past essay I wrote. Slick. :P
  12. Tangoto

    Mark disparity?

    So if Person A comes first in all assessments, then comes second to Person B in externals, Person A's external marks would be scaled above Person B's? That's what I'm getting here.
  13. Tangoto

    HSC Timetable 2010

    1/4/2/1 That second week is going to be fucking horrifying.
  14. Tangoto

    Mark disparity?

    So the higher the lowest mark for the exam the better? Not too good for me then. I remember hearing that some people failed. Also Adv. English btw.
  15. Tangoto

    Mark disparity?

    Man, I've been asking a lot of questions in this forum as of late. Anyways, the average of my school's English half-yearlies was around 65%. I managed to score around 71%. From a direct standpoint, 71% is pretty shit. But does that matter entirely when the low average is taken into...
  16. Tangoto

    School scaling?

    I have natural geniuses in all my classes. Perhaps it'd be easier to put them out of the picture? Haha, nah. I'll study hard then.
  17. Tangoto

    School scaling?

    From what I've read, it seems that for students in schools not ranked in the top 150, their marks don't really get scaled up. So is it true that their score will remain closer to their actual raw marks? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. Tangoto

    Determining rankings?

    Sweet, thanks.
  19. Tangoto

    Determining rankings?

    Hey just asking. Obviously our rankings in school aren't consistent because of varying results throughout the year, so how exactly how are they finalized for the HSC? Do they take the average, look at your ranking for your last assessment or something? Sorry if I'm not making much sense...
  20. Tangoto

    Dropping Ext 1 Maths?

    Well, that's not really the main problem. Only reason I'm doing Ext 1 right now is because I fear I won't be able to do an accounting course at uni if I drop it. I guess essentially the question is, does accounting at uni really require Ext 1? What do most students who do Maths EXT1 actually...