Search results

  1. B

    Age/Gender of Supervisors

    mine were all female probably in there late 30's early 40's
  2. B

    geography school certificate

    haha i did waste management. i dont even no how u manage it? i lost 15 marks lol
  3. B

    geography school certificate

    that question about the waste management, air quality etc. what did u pick and what did u write?
  4. B

    English Short Story - Poll

    i did the iron gate. haunted house+number 13+sexual abuse+ murder yea something along those lines.
  5. B

    Stimulus Booklet...

    i failed that hard lol. that bloody stimulus book grrr.
  6. B

    Anything funny happen in the test today? Anywhere?

    haha at the end of my exams when they were being collected everyone started coughing really loudly and making sex noices
  7. B

    LOL. who didn't study? i aced that betch.

    i hated the science test. i didnt study. meh ahwell
  8. B

    Reporting an exam supervisor

    haha nice i would so wana do that. man wat a bitch of a teacher
  9. B

    Bushranger Question SC English

    omg this question pissed me off i spent ages on it and still got the wrong answer haha.
  10. B

    Who found the SC Easy?

    i found science so hard