it is mainly for the students who appear to be able to excel in the uni course-
i got an early offer for csu. But i was told by the course coordinator that its because i have been out of school a year ( finished hsc in 07) and have studied a year at another uni so i know what the workload is...
I was juust wondering, if i choose to defer my offer when february starts, (as i mite have a goood job offer) how do i go about doing this?
And is there a date i have to do it by?
and does the bach tv prod allow defferment?
yeh i did get an early offer- pretty much based on my phone interview- and my uai, because i am also a non current school leaver ( i finished in 2007)
i got an offer for tv prod-
i put Catered- butler as my first choice, because its cheaper than stewards lol
and then catered stewards then self...
I have accepted my early offer and everything for tv prod at wagga next year- and i applied for accomodation but have been told i will be in the ballot and now wont find out until february 4th whether i have an offer of on campus accomodation or not. What are the odds for a firstyear...
I used to work at Bavarian Bier cafe- (they are a german restaurant that imports all the best german beer) so if you cant stand the taste of regular beers i reommend going to ur botle shop and finding one that is imported from germany- they are better for you hangover, healthier and taste way...
I received the information booklet from CSU on creative media as im applying for tv production for 2009- it said 'year 12 applicants will be selected on the basis of UAI, other applicants who wish to supplement their UAI should request an interview"
I am not a current year 12 student- i was...
if i get in, im most likely choosing the self catered colleges on campus. I was wondering are jobs on campus hard to come by?
Also how hard is it to get a job in wagga?