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  1. L

    Conflicting Perspectives: Syllabus Ambiguity

    So basically, the two related texts do not have to relate to Julius Caesar directly but must contain conflicting perspectives on a similar issue, My class had an hour discussion on this and i am still not entirely sure. Any clarification would be great! :hippie:
  2. L

    Themes within julius Caesar

    hi your ideas of conflicting perspectives are very helpful!! thankyou
  3. L

    Looking forward to year 12?

    I'm so looking forward to year twelve but at the same time very scared because it is all coming to an end. Mostly very excitied i know it will be heaps of fun! Subjects Advance English General Maths Modern History Japaners Continuers Legal Studies Business Studies
  4. L

    Business Studies Prelim

    Having trouble with Business this year, wondering if anyone has any study notes on the subject particuarly the financial topics and balance sheet related stuff. Thanks :)