if you use the right hand grip rule to work out the magnetic fields surrounding them it's easy to figure out
kinda difficult to type up actually now that i'm trying lol but if you do the grip rule around wires carrying current in same direction, between the two wires the magnetic field from one...
chemistry is way more interesting i reckon. also i think from the preliminary course, chemistry sort of just continues whereas in physics, the preliminary course is a freaking breeze and then they introduce some tricky concepts in middle of year 12. but that could just be that i don't really get...
Sooo who's still going anyway??
I was sooooo keen :( but I don't think we will be going if the warning stays up.
Re: how did you go?
what about the question about disease in tasmanian devils? i was like uhhhh everything i know is to prevent human disease and so all i did was say you could use quarantine and etc but its expensive and you can't control wild populations... and then said get heaps of the...
yeah wow a bit late seeing as the exam is tomorrow morning
but do we have to know a practicing australian biologist? cos i can't actually find the dot point but apparently we doooo....
no idea if this is the right spot
but how long does the STAT test go for?
aaaaand when do we find out what time it starts?
cos i have to do training in the afternoon on the same day as my STAT test in wollongong so i neeeeed it to finish at like, 1pm latest
its the one on nov 8th in...
if you write about a cliched topic, i know they mark you down but by how much?
cos i'm only gonna get a 12-13 anyway. and my only good stories are about eating disorder or about going to a city and seeing beggars and some rich women is disgusted by it but how the thing which is really disgusting...
how so? in some of the 3 hour science exams i finish usually after an hour and a half. then you check over it for half an hour.
then what the hull use is me sitting there, for the next hour, counting tiles on the ceiling or the number of circular objects in the room?
i could go home early, and...
identify, outline and assess the value of the following techniques in the analysis of small samples:
- gas-liquid chromatography
- high performance liquid chromatography
so i know how both of them work, pretty much, but what is the value of them? like is it just meaning the value of...
not too skinny just tight fitting is hot... not if you have really skinny legs but... and if i'm thinking of the right shirt, they are super hot especially with low scoop or v shape neckline, as long as you don't have a hairy chest :)