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  1. T

    Syd tech for yr 11....

    i go to condell park high
  2. T

    Syd tech for yr 11....

    my reposts are 5's and 4's roughly translated thats A's and B's
  3. T

    Syd tech for yr 11....

    yeah..umm my reports usually indicate me as being a nerd...ever insulted somone by calling them a eunuch?
  4. T

    Favourite Students' Quotes

    Year nine science class while in free period GIRL:I dont believe in atheists. Friend:Your God is atheist GIRL:What?!...Oh wait..HEY! best science class ever
  5. T

    Syd tech for yr 11....

    Seriously. id like to know what are the chances of me getting into this school for yr 11 in 2010? i have an excellent academic history and have got a number of awards and certificates for acadmeic excellence.Btw i also got rejected this year by them and im in yr 9 right now