Glad I'm not the only one ROFL... Everything has to be analysed to the degree that it loses all meaning... I can now only just start to pick up a book and read it to ENJOY it and not related back to JOURNEYS =_=
And I had a dream about sitting the chemistry exam again... what is up with that? haha
Re: How did you guys go?
I clicked for the Circle Geometry question... It wasn't too bad for me...
I turned the question paper upside down and saw what I need and what the question was asking... Wierd experience...
But it worked!
I don't think I went extremely bad as in I don't think I EPIC FAIL the exam so...
But some of questions did stump me... Trying to not post mortem the exam or I might realise that I made even more mistakes =_=
Annyyyyywaaaaays... Ext on Wed D:
I didn't lose all my hair when coming out of the exam so I think I did alright...
And agreed to previous poster... Chem is like bleh... School didn't run it so I had to do it by Distance Ed and now... [Don't even want to talk about it...]
Omg... if I didn't rush through mutiple choice and read the answers to question 5 clearly =_= ->
Don't know how I ended up locking in B for 5... Epic fail on that question
For 6, I got D... I was tossing up between C/D...
But other than that, it looks like I had the same answers as what...
The assignment is a group project and we have to create website to sell our selected product. We've been given Dreamweaver CS3 to create it. I'm just wondering if there are some tutorials I could follow as it's causing us a bit of frustration when trying to fix up the layout, colour and...