I didn't even bother preparing ANYTHING apart from an answer to that specific question haha. I wrote 14 pages of gold.
If they did something specific, some of the past paper questions were just cruel.
Considering most people write in different size writing, going by number of pages is difficult. I'd answer the Pelop War question last, and so give myself at least 50 minutes for it. In terms of words, I would aim for 1500ish.
But if you are answering it last just write as much as you can...
You shouldn't, but you don't need to tell the markers exactly how you conducted your survey / questionnaire. So just don't mention it if you distribute your surveys online
I think your teacher just meant it's really not recommended... I mean, honestly, who would be bothered to sit there and...
Youth-violence is a pretty broad topic, you shouldn't be having too much trouble writing enough.
I'm not sure i entirely understood what your topic was about though.
Also, it was recommended to us that it's best to compare 2 groups rather than 3, otherwise your PIP becomes really huge. But...
A lot of ppl are doing attitudes to homosexuality (inclusing myself)... Eep.
Do you know of homosexual people you associate with?
What is your opinion of homosexuals as a social group?
That's like asking my opinion of heterosexuals as a group...
They're a minority group...
Good luck - i hope that's enough primary research :)
I've got the basics written - intro, about 3000 words of what will be a 5000 core, conclusion.
Kinda behind really... but then, i know ppl who havent started so...
Two interviews (maybe just one)
Content analysis
I'm surprised by how many methodologies people are doing - we all got very thoroughly (sp?) warned about the dangers of doing 5+ methodologies, and not being able to show your ability to analyse in enough depth...
WOAH! :spzz:
Is it really a good idea to do so many methodologies? I can't see you having the space in 5000 words to analyse and compare 5 different primary methodologies (or 13 really!) and secondary research in any depth.
On the other hand you are possibly an uber-organised genius, and...
Hi Amolester
Amy, is this you?
Sorry if I've got the wrong account, but this is Jacky, using Alex's login. If that doesn't mean anything to you then just delete this and we shall pretend it didn't happen. :P
Great, that's like... exactly my PIP. This will be fun! :wave:
Not quite, mine's "the impact of gender on perceptions of gay men and lesbians, and the media's role in these perceptions"
Oh well, hello GLBT buddy.