Have you played these? Search Results - GOG.com
Adventure games these days can be usually found in the indie PC scene (White Chamber, Still Life) as well as on the Wii (Zack and Wiki )and DS (Pheonix Wright). The genre is not as prominent anymore (nor I think it ever will be) but it is still...
I recommend Stieg Larsson's The Girl Who Played With Fire. . Written by an Swedish author, it's good for a text from another culture and you can see many European and American conventions being played around with.
Ben Elton's Past Mortem is also an interesting and enjoyable read.
I do alright in Vis Arts. My strength is in Theory (either that or my teacher marks really lenient :P) but I kinda suck at Practicals (I guess I'm really lazy). Add me if you wanna at dinopoke.hotmail.com
I'm reading it casually at the moment as we will only study it in Term 4. It started off really boring but since then I've come to enjoy it a bit. It's still a dense read (for me) and it takes a while to crawl through the chapters. I'm curious as to how it will be studied though.
Anyway, this...
During the exam, get into a rhythm of working through the paper and don't stall. Your adrenaline should keep you motivated. At the same time, don't rush through it or you will misread or make silly mistakes. Just keep a steady and constant pace and make sure you have time to check over your work.
Is the .swf in the root of your website folder?
If not, you should change the attributes
to where the swf file actually is. Or download in and place it into your root folder.
Well for flash animations, I usually search for ".swf" (without quotes) to find the location of the flash file. Everything in the <object> tags will probably be the code to load it.
Hi guys,
I got the code from the source code of the webpage. (Right Click, View Source). What essentially shows up is the whole code for the webpage in HTML.
I went through the code and found the bit which loaded the .swf flash animation. I found the source attribute which said...
According to the source code, insert this in your html :
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version=2,0,0,0" width="100%" height="100%">
<param name="SRC"...