Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the whole basis of your argument is working on the belief that we have a right to 'Freedom of information'.
I am also wondering if you see prohibiting the use of child porn as an issue that is restrictive to the point of being oppressive and...
It would be nice if depression worked like that, it truly would.
But if it was that simple, depression probably wouldn't exist and be recognised as a disability.
I suppose it's hard to really grasp what it must be like if you haven't experienced it, but there's more to it than just...
How come some people are in an agreement where they are allowed to talk to other counsellors, and some people are in an agreement where they ARE allowed to?
I don't understand.... What the difference between those people?
That must be so frustrating too. I can totally understand...
Your argument is as valid as anything, and I totally agree. I'm sorry this has happened too Joel. As I'm sure you are aware, there are some pretty nasty people out there, but I like to think that the majority of people are kind, open and understanding.
The good people are the ones you have to...
Don't worry, I understood. haha
Hmmm Most of us do pretty mainstream subjects. But we all do religion, and one of the girls in my group does society and culture.
Thanks for your help guys!
Totally understand the feeling of not being able to lift an arm. Man, I thought I was literally insane until you just said that. haha
I hope you reach recovery soon. Keep at it. xo
Wow Joel, wow.
That was just too awesome for words.
I actually laughed myself silly reading that, and watching you just totally rip his argument to shreds.
Far out... amazing.
GO you! Good work!
The first of May.
Yeah, it does suck. We will just have to change our flights as soon as the timetable comes out, I think (that is, if we need to).
Such a pain...
So we just discovered that the HSC exams finish on the 20th of November.
We have booked our flights to Bali for the 19th of November. We booked then because all the schoolies website we visited said that schoolies begun on the 14th of November.
I know that most often, the...
I'm certainly not a professional, but I think I at least have a basic understanding of ASD. So if I hand out any incorrect information I would really really like it if someone corrected me.
First off, you're right - most, if not all children will go through phases and will develop...
Hey, thanks for the reply!
I'm really sorry you got treated so badly. And i'm also sorry that you didn't even find that the teachers treated you particularly well.
I think, at least in my brothers case, he finds it difficult to be motivated because he feels like he will never 'measure...
Hey Joel,
Thanks for posting about your story :)
I don't know if you read my previous post, but my 6 year old brother is on the autistic spectrum. It was really cool being able to gain an insight into your experiences, because it gives me a bit of an idea of what my brother might be going...
That's so true. Exercise has actually been proven to have a chemical affect on the brain, and has been shown to be just as affective as anti-depressants. :)
Yes, my little brother has ASD. He is only 6, so it is really quite impossible to predict what will happen from here, but he has improved a lot throughout the last year.
Interestingly, my brothers' social skills are not consistent with the stereotypical characteristics often...
What you said about uni is very interesting. I'd never thought about that before. Thanks for letting us all know :)
hehe no the pun is funny. When I wrote it, I didn't even think about it... but it's definitely worthy of a little chuckle ;)
I also agree with what you said about depression...
Hmmm okay... yeah, I don't think I have come across anyone like that.
But I can see your point.
I guess, even if those types of people do exist, that doesn't mean that EVERYONE with depression is faking it. That generalisation seems to be quite prominent on this thread. No one is...