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  1. 0hNivlek

    Who's getting pokemon black and white?

    I preordered it last week!!!!! Never too old for pokemon!
  2. 0hNivlek

    LOL! Hi everyone.

    LOL! Hi everyone.
  3. 0hNivlek

    Business & Law Textbooks! $50 each!

    Hey everyone! I've got some textbooks which i want to get rid of asap ! Everything here is still the current edition used for this years course! $50 each! On sale: Management & Organization: A Critical Text 2nd Edition sold - Stephan Linstead, Liz Fulop, Simon Lilley Excellent...
  4. 0hNivlek

    Adding/removing subjects 4 spring sem

    "Enrolment on My Student Admin will be unavailable from 3:00pm, Tuesday 20th July in preparation for result release. Access to eRequest will also be turned off at this time. You will be able to enrol again through MSA and lodge eRequests from 8:00am on Thursday July 22nd. Please do not lodge...
  5. 0hNivlek

    UTS - Semester 1 2010 Guestimates + Official Results (21 July 2010) thread

    MyStudentAdmin > Results > At the bottom of the page it says I want to... Email my complete academic record - click on it and confirm your details and wait a few minutes until you receive it in your email!
  6. 0hNivlek

    joy luck club and belonging ??

    Some quotes about Belonging from Sparksnotes: Quote 1: "Over the years, she told me the same story, except for the ending, which grew darker, casting long shadows into her life, and eventually into mine." Chapter 1, pg. 21 Quote 2: "Your father is not my first husband. You are not those...
  7. 0hNivlek

    Qantas case study

    This Qantas case study returned to haunt me for accounting last semester :spzz:
  8. 0hNivlek

    Exams- discussion- venting

    Yes Accounting on Saturday morning!! And tomorrow i'm just going to pick up my MPO essay .
  9. 0hNivlek

    UTS Union

    I joined the union and i received a years subscription of SMH. It delivers on the weekends too so i guess it was worth it. Plus cheap coffee and food from their stores.
  10. 0hNivlek

    does anyone have a business law and ethics textbook they would be willing to sell?

    Re: does anyone have a business law and ethics textbook they would be willing to sell Yes the mistakes in chapter 1 + 2 lolol :jaw:
  11. 0hNivlek

    Hey! I think i got like 23-24/30 since i didn't get a distinction but i did get a band 6 for my...

    Hey! I think i got like 23-24/30 since i didn't get a distinction but i did get a band 6 for my HSC mark lol
  12. 0hNivlek

    Chapter heading advice?

    Yeah i did The Asian Parent Syndrome for my PIP and my subheadings were like Symptons (= what the pip is about etc...), treatment (any remedies for this strict nature of asian parents etc...). Yeah i tried to use puns and stuff lolol
  13. 0hNivlek

    Questionnaire: stereotypical parents (asian vs white)

    Nice. I did a similar topic for my PIP last year too; The Asian Parent Syndrome !
  14. 0hNivlek

    Need urgent pip help please

    Can't use time anymore? damn. My whole PIP last year was about time LOL
  15. 0hNivlek

    Business Stats 26134 - Does an open book exam mean any notes you like?

    My lecturer said it can be anything on paper!
  16. 0hNivlek

    What textbooks do you use?

    Hahaha lol don't worry last year Bruce Dennett always came in to lecture us and prepare us for exams, especially the HSC. He's awesome, especially his specialty in the USA topic which we did!
  17. 0hNivlek


    >.> post HSC sleep is great until uni starts. Damn struggling to catch the 7am trains and stuff lolol and staying awake in lectures.
  18. 0hNivlek

    Biggest Distractions?

    hahahaha everytime it was assessment time or exam time, especially the HSC, everybody is like on fb more or something. it was funny seeing everybody online doing quizes and farmville etc...
  19. 0hNivlek

    History Extension Process Diaries?

    Mine was set up in a visual arts diary with lot's of pictures, articles, quotes and basically i analysed them "critically" as well as discuss the progress of my major work. Yeah mine was like a scrap book and i got full marks for it lol.