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  1. M


    Which science degree should I take in preparation for GAMSAT? Chem? Biology?
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    Board of Studies has totally stuffed this up. Even the schools which did have a black out didn't get equal treatment. There is nothing they can do to make this exam fair. However, I think giving away marks is a better idea than taking marks away. BOS should be generous in giving extra marks...
  3. M

    JMP - Newcastle interviews

    So have people outside Newcastle received their invitations yet?
  4. M

    role of a scientist

    Does anyone have an easy scientist??????
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    history of shipbuilding

    Can someone summarise the history of materials used for shipbuilding? Thanks in advance.
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    JMP - Newcastle interviews

    does anyone know the cut off this year for uws?
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    Module A

    Did we seriously have to talk about the quote in detail??? I just used it to start my essay by discussing the theme death and what it says about the power of individual in each context... Am I completely wrong???
  8. M

    Why do people always go on about pages written?

    I agree with this thread. If would be unfair to give extra marks for information that is irrelevant to the question even if it is fantastic. If English is all about regurgitating everything you know then I will be very disappointed... who can't memorise and essay and transfer it onto booklets?
  9. M

    Was Text 3, Section 1 a Dog or Human??

    Re: The Poem Was About A Dog? Okay, I just freaked out because the poem was supposed to be about a dog and I had missed it lol I hate these reflective forums that freak you out!!!!!!!!! Good to know that it WASN'T about a dog...
  10. M

    Physical journey - understading of the world

    Dw, I'm fine with my second supplementary text now... Before I was just lazy and wanted to have a simple thesis statement but if I have a more comprehensive one my second supplementary text can be used... Good luck to both of us!
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    Physical journey - understading of the world

    Yes, I have a movie and a short story although I don't really like my second supplementary text... Oh well... I doubt it but I hope they ask us to explore one supplementary text!
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    Who's relying on the days between exams to study?

    I feel so at home in this thread... I've definately have been studing over the past few weeks but I still need the days in between....
  13. M

    Physical journey - understading of the world

    thanks.... incredibly supportive there...
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    Physical journey - understading of the world

    Yup I get it :karate:
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    Physical journey - understading of the world

    Thanks a lot for your help. I do know most of the things but I just didn't know how to twist my information to answer the question. I always find it hard to answer the question...
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    Physical journey - understading of the world

    umm crossing ther red sea, feliks skrzynecki and immigrants at central station 1951... thanks a lot for the help!
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    Physical journey - understading of the world

    Can someone explain to me how physical journeys expand our knowledge of our self, individuals and the world? Thanks heaps!!!!!:lol:
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    2008 Independent Trial

    Thanks Jeremychung!:ninja:
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    2008 Independent Trial

    Actually, this link doesn't work... All the questions are just lines of dots! Oh well...