just a quick question, would really appreciate the help...
is a single major descrobed as:
1.42 uoc
2.48 uoc
= = it gets quite confusing... dont tell me to chek the handbook i already did and they have 2 different answers...
quote one:
"For a single major, 42 UOC (7 courses) must be...
sound like a stupid question but; what happen if i dont pay by the 7th of march (which i think is the deadline...)?
how much shud i pay and is this payemtn made for this semester or year?
thx for the help guys pls help me TT ill rep for sure
My Current Liability
You currently do not have an outstanding liability.
The amount shown does not include any library fines that may be outstanding.
??? why is that?? 0o
is it because im getting a hecs help? but i did choose to pay some of my loan option and get a discount...
I have a really quick question regarding oweek, hope u guys can help...
I am currently enrolled in engineering/ commerce which mean that i am in the faculty of engineering....
is it necessary for me to attend the australian school of business orientation???
=) thx for the help guys
How bad is my idea to wait until o-week to get my student ID?
if its a really bad idea, when shud i get mine then? = =
i heard the line will be longer than the great wall of china FML
P.S. im out of town... shud i get it after the o-week during the weekends
Hey guys im going to go to unsw and i want/ going to do xD B of commerce and engineering...
im thinking about majoring in chemical engineering and financial commerce...
and i have a couple of questions in mind
1. Do i have to do anything now? like, when do we have to decide what major we...
hey guys, just have a couple of question in mind,
1. When is the last time you can change your preferences without getting fined xD (if i apply in the early round)? What if you get fined, until when will we change our prefs?
2. When do they tell you what course you'll get?
3. When will UNSW...