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  1. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    I don't see any assumptions in his post...
  2. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    You define it, you guys are the ones throwing the term about. I personally hold the word to be meaningless in the context. How convenient, that when he uses an appeal to nature it is wrong, but, when you do the same...
  3. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Err you seem to have misattributed my posts to durga >.< Well i don't know the specifics, but these benefits are independent from marriage me thinks, the benefits we're talking about are supposedly for the children but only available when the couple is married (regardless whether they have...
  4. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    1. That's not really fair to unmarried couples, i acutally know a couple who are unmarried but raising a daughter just like any other married couple. Surely they deserve these benefits? 2. Even if it is the case that the benefits should be given to married couples, then the government should...
  5. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    If the benefits of marriage are for the sake of the children. Then should'nt these benefits be removed until the couple has a child? We'll if we 'd have our way Homosexuals would have the choice to adopt. But what then is the use of the hammer? Why give Undeserved Freebies to this hammer...
  6. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    No they want these ceremonies to be recognized by the Government equally alongside Hetero marriages.
  7. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So basically you're just against the Government giving the same legal status to homosexual couples?
  8. nikolas

    God wants gays dead, says beauty queen

    Sounds something Peter Pan would say.
  9. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Dna isn't the only factor. It is understood to be a combination of things.
  10. nikolas

    A Question of Christian Theology

    I can't imagine any serious skeptic being convinced by anything here, these sites are preaching to the choir.
  11. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Umm, hypothetical situation, lets say the government could tell in advance if hetero-couples were infertile, would your argument mean that they should also be denied marriage? Sorry, but I can’t see how you can hold this argument to be valid even though you admit to committing the...
  12. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    But you've stated time and time again made the arguement that that female-male marriages are the natural order of the family unit or something close to that. So it's a religious argument? It doesn't harm anyone and it is a consensual act between adults. But i'd like to point out, You...
  13. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Just like fox news. Perhaps we should take this to the does god exist thread?
  14. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I'd like to see an argument from the religious side why Homosexuality is immoral. Lot of them so far have so far been reliant on the naturalistic fallacy or simply been religious in nature.
  15. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    Observed instances of Speciation I'm no biologist so i don't know the specifics but there should be heaps of info out there on the net. My own quick search reveals. Evolution of Multicellularity Also... CB922: Intermediate two-celled life ...And from what I understand, recently they even...
  16. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    In other words he blended in perfectly with most creationists.
  17. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    In related news Abiogenesis: Scientists create life
  18. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    It's not that your not convinced, it's that you still hold that belief despite refutation and are refusing to justify your belief. i.e you don't care that your view isn't reasonable (you have admitted yourself that others have refuted your view) but it's your opinion and you don't care what...
  19. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    Thanks i guess, and yes that was exactly my intention(regardless if anyone can do it or not). Care to share why the analogy is wrong? umm...sure? Yet you continue to hold that silly view on atheists without refutation.
  20. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    How narrow-minded of you. Isn't the fear of hell greater than fear of "rules"? I bet a lot of A-santa-ists dont believe in Santa because they are afraid, so afraid that they have convinced themselves there is no Santa because the fact of the matter is, it's not easy being nice all year, it's...