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  1. J

    hey um no im not sorry.. im just trying to get some last minute notes for my half yearly...

    hey um no im not sorry.. im just trying to get some last minute notes for my half yearly exams.. kill me.. good luck! :)
  2. J

    CAFS SURVEY- help needed in answering?

    hi guys. i am currently doing mhy cafs individual research project. i am looking for people to do my survey: anyone aged 15-17 male or female.. help would be greatly appreciated. "does parents views towards underage drinking influnece the teenagers drinking habits?- if so, to what extent?"...
  3. J

    Homosexuality in the workplace

    i ahvent heard of likert scales either.. maybe we know them as a different name.. but good luck finding data. .hope all goes well. :)
  4. J

    Cafs divorce. Survey!

    sorry- just saying.. if u dont have divorced parents then theres no need to fill it out.. we all need help and unforunatly u cant help her.. good luck with u irp if ur doing one..
  5. J

    i la u xx

    i la u xx
  6. J

    CAFS SURVEY- help needed!?! please

    i am conducting research for my community and family studies individual research project. my topic is- "DOES A PARENTS ATTITUDE TOWARDS DRINKING ALCOHOL IMPACT ON THE TEENAGERS DRINKING HABITS- IF SO TO WHAT EXTENT" IM...
  7. J

    sup morg dog.. good luck with your cafs... xx

    sup morg dog.. good luck with your cafs... xx