Well I didn't get much of a response in non-school, so...
I want to go to the final 2 days of WYD, but i haven't registered.
Does anyone know what I have to do? Can I pay on the day?
I think that it's approaching too quickly! I'm kind of glad that it's going to be a fresh start and all, but I'm worried about the workload, and the pressure to perform well (school, parents but above all, myself).
That pretty much describes me! However, I'm using these holidays to change myself. I'm working on assessments, as well as study notes in preparation for the yearlies.
Year 11 is the time where you learn from your mistakes and work on improving your study habits for year 12, which is only a...
I think migrants, predominantly Asians, work hard to give their children every opportunity of becoming successful. They come to Australia in the hopes that their children will have a better future and greater opportunities than they ever had.
For my parents tutoring is a means of saying, 'We...
When copying directly from a source, if you put the information in inverted commas do you just add the source to the bibliography? I usually just footnote my information, but yeah... I was just wondering.
I'm in the same boat as you...
My half-yearly results weren't what I was expecting them to be, and even though I didn't do as well as I would have liked to, I know that it is only reflective of the amount of preperation I put in. As everyone is saying, it is only year 11, so use this as a...
Hey do any of you guys on BoS go to talent 100?
I was just wondering if it's any good, and what kind of UAI it has helped achieve.
Edit: Oh and does anyone know what the fees are like?
Re: Belonging- Area of Study
Maybe i'm not expressing myself clearly :rolleyes: . What i'm trying to say is that when we sit the HSC markers have not seen past high quality answers throughout years of marking which have received 14 or 15/15 (especially the extended sections - Questions II...
Re: Belonging- Area of Study
... I don't really understand what you're trying to say about the past papers. But what I was trying to imply was that past papers provide practice and give students a general gist on the types of questions asked. Yet as we are going to be the first year we will...
Well fellow 09ers' , what are your thoughts on our year being the first to undertake the 'Belonging' area of study for English?
Personally, I think marking will be lenient as it's going to be the first year, and no standards will have been set. But then again, a major hindrance is that...