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  1. ultimoto1

    So who else thinks we got slid a 2 unit paper?

    it wasnt a hard exam besides the monthly repayments and the simpsons questions, the rest was easy. but its not like a did well.... from top of my 2 unit class in yr 11 to 13th in general, hahaha lovin life :wave:
  2. ultimoto1

    BNW/BR Question

    yeah opened with the quote, made no reference to it in my essay and just talked about the relationship between humanity and nature, it said starting point so fuck it.
  3. ultimoto1

    can i get misadventure for period pain...

    how can u trust somethin that bleeds for 5 days and doesnt die.. :jaw:
  4. ultimoto1

    memoir, speech or story?

    wrote a story but took it as the perspective of somebody who has lost their curiousity (which is told in the first part) and the journey makes them rediscover it and helps their daughter to become curious as well. was kind off a little bit like my ext english crime fiction creative, i dont know...