Re: Boycott of Olympics
It's pointless for me to stay in this thread.
But finally I'm pretty sure that I will see Mr Rudd and Australian team right on the game.
Re: Boycott of Olympics
1.Where do you get that data?
2.I admit Chinese legal system has problems. But you must understand that the law is directly linked to one country's tradition and custom, something you think common sense may not be so common in other countries.
3.Wikipedia is surely...
Re: Boycott of Olympics
1. As I said, I failed to see any sources of you guys, and I have given two,please read the thread.
2. Please give any kind of sources.
3. They persistently hold a special ceremony to the slayers in WW2
Maybe I shall give up on this post. Exhausted...
Re: Boycott of Olympics
One this matter, what all I can say is that Korea, China and ASIAN countries will be exceptionally wary of Japan in the foreseeable future.
Re: Boycott of Olympics
It is a example of YOUR way of thinking.
Let's talk about Japan, it cruelly kills more than 40 millions people not long ago. Now because it is builds up a parliament and becomes a pet of America, you grant it the laurel of democracy, yet it hasn't seriously...
Re: Boycott of Olympics
You are implying that America is at the highest moral position? Then why American's reputation in the world(not in certain countires) is decreasing dramatically?
Re: Boycott of Olympics
I see this cliche again...
The world is not just as simple as you think, you don't understand the inner feeling&thought of people of different nationality&culture&history.
The west (here, I specifically mean America and West european countries) spends hundreds of...
Re: Boycott of Olympics
As a HSC student, I don't have much time to do such researches.
But I just wonder why I can't see any sources for your viewpoints , but you can ask me for the sources?Is this a kind of hypocrisy?
Re: Boycott of Olympics
1.I don't have the time to do further research on this. But I don't think you can solely rely on American sources.
2.Not all tibetans think so. In fact, rioters are the minority.
Re: Boycott of Olympics
Tibetans are strongly persuaded (forced) to give all their private properties to the temples. They could have been very rich because they herd precious grazing animal like yaks. But instead, many of them died due to poverty. Their life was quite hard.
Admit it or...