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  1. S

    Week Range Question

    Awwk...Thank you :)
  2. S

    Week Range Question

    Was just confirming my tutorial registrations and says that for the unit 'Mathematical Patterns and Relationships' in the column for the tutorial (not lecture) 'Week Range' "10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23" instead of when most say "10-16, 18-23". Could someone plz explain what this means? Does it...
  3. S

    Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Primary Teaching) - Psychology major

    Thank you so much have taken so much stress off my shoulders :)
  4. S

    Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Primary Teaching) - Psychology major

    Thanks everyone for the info provided...It has ensured me that my units are correct for this semester. I will send an email to clarify. My question is more aimed at the psychology units. I just need to know what units from the psychology major I need to complete to satisfy my 80cp major. From...
  5. S

    Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Primary Teaching) - Psychology major

    Yeh I have actually checked it out...I got some info on the E-learning section of the UWS site and it has units for the major as well as the sub-major...I have emailed both the School of Psychology and School of Languages and Humanities to see what they you think I should email the...
  6. S

    Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Primary Teaching) - Psychology major

    Also if there is anyone doing Psychology for the Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Primary Teaching) what unit, if any, are you doing this semester from the psychology major.
  7. S

    Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Primary Teaching) - Psychology major

    Hey, Just wondering if there is anyone doing Bachelor of Arts (Pathway the Teaching Primary) that has chosen to major in Psychology?? I am having trouble understanding what units we are meant to complete as our 80cp major. I have had a look in the handbook and it says we have to pick electives...
  8. S

    Academic Advising Day @ UWS

    Nope havent enrolled in my units yet...Waiting til after the academic advising to hopefully get a better idea so I dont mess it up :)
  9. S

    Bachelor of Arts/Master of Teaching (Primary)

    On the UWS site there is a recommended sequence to follow...well thats what i'm doing anyway...From what I can remember you do 2 core units, 1 unit from the education major and one from the other major for the Autumn and Spring sessions this yr...nxt yr it changes...but have a look at the course...
  10. S

    Academic Advising Day @ UWS

    Yep! I'm going :) Have you enrolled in your units yet or are you waiting to after the Academic Advising?
  11. S

    Arts @ UWS 2010

    I'm was planning on doing psychology as a major, but im not sure if its still offered as its not in the UWS I was considering doing Social and Cultural Analysis...What major are you doing??
  12. S

    Arts @ UWS 2010

    Yep...i'm doing B of Art/Masters of teaching at Bankstown
  13. S

    am i on the right track ? (please help)

    I'm doing 'Educating Rita' and we've been told to use juxtapostion as a main technique to show how one person goes from one world into another. For example this can be done through language and attitude juxtaposed from the beginning and the end of the play. You can also mentionthings used in...
  14. S

    Estimate ATAR plz

    Hey I know exams start next week but thought id take the chance and see what my likey ATAR might end up to be. Thought it may ease a little of the stress I am experiencing. Standard English 8/81 General Maths 1/67 Modern History 9/27 ancient History 11/30 Community and Family Studies...
  15. S

    ATAR Estimation and Advice Needed :)

    Hey, I have been reading a few posts where ppl have been asking for ATAR estimations. Just wondering whether it would be possible for someone to do mine.... School ranked 572 in 2008 - not good :( Standard English 8th/82 - aiming for 80 in exam General Maths 1st/78 - aiming for 90 in exam...
  16. S

    graduation, how do u feel?

    Graduation for me is 1st's getting so close...don't know if im ready to enter the wide world yet :(
  17. S

    Hsc 2009 Dates

    found out HSC stars on 20th October...which sucks cuz its my 18th bday :( But i know we do find out this friday the exact dates of exams for each subject. 4 days to go!!
  18. S

    Organising Work (merged)

    Re: Folders or Books? I thought it would be a good idea to use folders for CAFS and Hospitality but i found i just had to keep emptying them into a binder folder at home so i could fit more work in. Problem was the teachers wanted to see work from the topic b4 when i had just took it all out of...
  19. S

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    Standard English General Maths Modern History Ancient History Hospitality Community and Family studies (CAFS)