ours is due 2 weeks from our exam on monday.
whooo.... yeah havent done much of it.
my topic is the indian rebellion of 1857 and the changing perspectives on it.
we still havent handed ours in. due in 2 weeks.. i need to do my essay but urrgh im dreading it.
congrats all ur marks are really great so far
I will be happy with 80% or more so heres hoping
hey petch lol hows it going haha
this play absolutely ruined ruby moon for me.
the female perfomer did not fit the character at all. she looked like a tranny, and was too old and fat. sorry to put it plainly but thats how it is. The male performer did an alright job, which was ruined by this...
Yeah, we're doing it too. P&P took me a while to get into, but now I adore it.
Letters to Alice is KILLING ME!
I haven't even read the whole thing yet, probably the 1st half and other random bits. I know heaps of quotes from it though lol.