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    UTS vs UNSW Business vs Commerce?

    say if your like a cadet for one of the big 4, does it realy not matter which course/university you choose?
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    acquisitions approach to inflation targetting?

    hey guys... just a quick question whats the advaantages of using an acquisitions approach to inflation targeting over the underlying inflation rate?
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    CSSA and Independent 2008

    Does anyone have the solutions of the 2008 CSSA and Independent Trials? If somebody could post them that'd be awesome. Thank you =]
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    CSSA 3unit paper.

    Does anybody have the answers to the CSSA paper 2009 by any chance? it would be great if you could post them up THANK YOU
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    Practice questions

    Q1. To what extent does the time in which composers live influence their response to enduring human concerns? Discuss with reference to your two prescribed texts. Q2. ‘The values of each age are reflected in the texts which are composed in them.’ To what extent do the two ‘texts in time’ you...
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    Formals - 2009

    hmmmm ours is somewhere along king street wharf... its like $130 :S but we're having a massive after though... we hired out a club... pontoon i think?? not too sure.... p.s. person for rooty hill rsl.... boycott the formall.... my friend went there for hers as well and she said its a...
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    What is a fiscal consolidation strategy?

    What's I = S + KAS? Thanks heaps for you help guys =]
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    What is a fiscal consolidation strategy?

    Riley's book talks about a fiscal consolidation strategy... does anyone know what that is? whats its aim??? if anybody could help me out that'd be great... thanks guys...
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    How much sleep do we need?

    you need to work out whats best for you.. there's no set time. its generally supposed to be 8 hours for teenagers so they can think properly at school and everything... but i generally get 6 hours.. i sleep at 12 and get up at 6. try sleeping when u come home... even if u sleep for ann hour...
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    yes so am i.. in particular atwood, sadat and suu kyi.
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    Speeches? Please help

    i dont think theres too manyy study guides for speeches but im using the study guide from top notes. its alrite. it doesnt have every speech like it doesnt have sadat's speech and i dont think it has faith bandler's speech either but yet... you could try that. p.s. could you please email them...
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    Failing english!

    hi, would anyone have any notes on Aung San Suu Kyi's keynote address on the Beijing World Conferece on women? im really struggling with finding the the 2 main theses in the speech and connecting them to Margret Atwood's speech "spotty-handed Villianesses'... any notes or any help would be...