I browsed thru the enrolment website but couldnt find an answer to my question: if I want to enrol in Commerce/Law, do I have to go to the Law enrolment day AND the commerce enrolment day or can i do it all on the Law day? Hope someone can help!!
On my letter congratulating and offering me the faculty scholarship, it says the uni closedown period is from the close of business day of 18 Dec 09 and reopens on 4 Jan 2010. So if you've not received anything, its highly unlikely that you will get a 1st round offer now because they would have...
I got shortlisted for Facultyof Eco/Business merit/entry scholarship and today I got a package offering me a "Faculty of Eco/Bus scholarship with distinction for all round excellence" worth $10 000 pa!! I was so stoked since I was praying for the 6k merit one!! From previous posts, people with...
Thanks for the responses everyone but i guess we will never really know..
I just thought the shortlist has already been "culled" and they will cull the reserve list for extra people to make up numbers if people on shortlist reject offer/do not get 95.
Best of luck to everybody!
^Dont fret too much I'm sure there are people who get other scholarships/coop at other unis and people who get into med would turn down usyd scholarships so dont lose hope!
So there's a shortlist and reserve list - does that mean so long as you get 95 ATAR and you're on shortlist you're...
Just wanted to clarify this: is there a total of 150 merit and entry scholarships across the whole university or do each faculty have 150 scholarships?? Sorry I'm confused since I thought different faculties have different amount of funding/budget and if 150 scholarships across uni - wouldn't it...
As mentioned earlier by lyounamu, the 30k annual salary is not really attractive for 4 days of work per week, so am wondering how much cadets earn upon graduation when completing CA and when they've completed CA. Is it actually true that cadets generally can get senior positions earlier than...
Hey there vennmeh! I was quite worried about applicatiosn like you earlier too because I didnt have any prominent leadership roles like SRC/Prefect etc and Iknow lots of those pople applied from my school. So dont worry too much about that and just talk up some of your current extra curricular...
Thanks for all the input so far! Is it true that lots of law exams are like open book tests? And also do you have to write lots of essays for assessments and exams so it'd be good if you're a eloquent writer? Also at what year can law students apply to work as a paralegal - and how do you find...
Great thread :) I know doing combined law is really intense - how do current law students find the work/life balance and also Ive been hearing about law socieites and clubs, exactly what do you do in them and how active are they? And i heard mooting comps is another thing law students are into -...
This just reminded me that I've to get onto scholarsip apps after trials so thanks lyounamu for the timely post :)
From the webste it says: "UNSW Co-op Program Scholarships are available for single degrees only. However, Co-op Programs do allow students the opportunity to combine a major in...
Woah reading this thread makes me really nervous about doing law next yr (provided i get in) and whether I'd actually get a job with a top tier firm when I graduate because the competition really heats up every year @_@
And yes I'm just a HSCer hope you dont me chiming in but I got a...
Sorry for bumping this up after a few months. I was wondering isnt Harvard fully needblind to intl students and they meet full demonstrated need of accepted students regardless of nationality? I just wanted to clarify this since whenever harvard/yale/princeton does their info night they always...
This is something I dont fully understand: we see mid tier firm and PwC allowing cadets to do double degree, yet 3 of the big 4 still only allow single degree?? The reason they usually give is that it takes too long to do a double deg part time - but if other top and midtier firms are doing it...
I'm pretty clueless about salaries and things like that and it'd be a bit awkward for me to ask even though I'm dying to know because I fear they'll give us crappy pay since we're contracted to work for them .. good luck with the actuarial path, my cousin did it and she's now got this 6 figure...
Hey Gibbo we do get$550 book allowance per year so you cna buy a suit with that if you want? You're in sydney yet? Hopefully we'll be working together next yr :) Hmm is 60000 for after you're qualified as a CA? And have you signed and cadetship lyounamu?
Hey guys I'm just wondering how competitive these clerkships are? 1 in 20? 1 out of 50 get in? Also how many of these summer clerks get an offer to work after they graduation. And in general at a top tier firm, what would be the starting salary for a comm/law graduate? Thanks, I'm pretty new to...
All the Big4 cadet salaries are between $30000-31000 for the full time work aprttime sytudy stage.
Does anyone know what cadets earn after they graduated and while they do CA and how much they earn after they finish their CA? How many cadets get hired by Big 4 after the contratc ends? Also...