yeah i think my teacher wants to marry him LOL but thats besides the point
all you really need to know is the thoery and how to apply it to different questions and situations
i see lol you do an extra unit of english and your "command" is far above mine
haha what module are you talking about here??
lychnobity is right you can get away with just a quote but a technique shows a higher level of analysis of the text
honestly i think all you need are a couple of statistics, articles really arent that necessary the're just for you to keep up with whats happening in the global economy
if your really concerned google ross gittens articles
true, its important to include techniques, when ever i get stuck i talk about the person its written in, you can talk about tense, dialogue (if it is) or just say effective imagery or decriptive language ...
usually works for me
maybe your not looking hard enough for techniques??
Stick with 2 unit its not that hard to improve your mark
i was failing math in year 11 and in year 12 i just put in a bit of extra effort and my marks improved significantly to 80%
just spend an extra hour or 2 on math a week and you'll see your marks improve
i actually didnt find the exam too bad but i HATED some of the calculation questions
i wish there was some haber on there or decarbonating a soft drink prac
oh wells
it was so weird last night when i was cramming I had a feeling we'd have to draw and AAS diagram ! spooky lol