this is offtopic but omie_jay and tommykins.. do u know whether u have to pass the finals for PHYS1121 in order to pass the course? or just over 50% overall.. no chance im passing these f**king finals....but i've already got 55/60 from labs/midsession/quizzzes from leeching off others.
First year here, was wondering what was the quickest method to get to Panorama in Randwick Racecourse to sit an exam.
If you get off at high street and go through that big gate.. isnt it like a 2km walk to the exam location.. not to mention you have to walk through the putrid smell of horse...
160 out of 300 rofl - not too sure tho as no one really ever gets close to 300.. and u can get over 100 for each section?
195+ will get u near 99-100 percentile
160 - was about 60 percentile for my grade.
man tell me where it is pls.. i couldntt find it after wandering around roundhouse twice.. theres an area labelled uni games but all the stuff in there look trashed.. as for where the pool tables/tv is.. the only machine there is big buck hunter? Where the heck is the DDR machine...
r the DDR machines still there? the only arcade machine i could find when i went to the roundhouse was the Big Buck Hunter or w/e its called during week 2.
Instead of asking is it possible to just rock up at another tute? the one i have has english as her 5th language or something.. i cant understand a word she says =/