Search results

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    Adfa 2010

    The YOU session is just to check that u have the aptitude to be an officer. I'm assuming you're going for officer entry? At the end of the test they'll print out a list of all the jobs you're competent enough to do. They'll then ask you what you would like to do (don't worry if you don't have a...
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    Adfa 2010

    Volunteer work, sports and extra-curricular activities will always work in your favor. One of the biggest issues the defence force has with employing kids straight out of school is that they don't have what they like to call "life experience". So, while you can say to the psych/defence...
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    Adfa 2010

    If you are currently in year 11, you should apply for the award as soon as possible! Give DFR a ring 13 19 01. When u call they'll register you and begin your recruiting process. Just remember that when applying for the award you are also applying for a job in the defence force. After your first...
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    Adfa 2010

    That does sound good. I'll be sure to check it out :)
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    Adfa 2010

    I had my OSB the other week too! Went down to Canberra for two boards, army and airforce (intelligence officer). Also waiting for flight screening invitation and education award news. I've heard that they announce the recipients anytime during this term but no later than June/July...not really...
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    Adfa 2010

    Yeah i'm trying to work out which degree to put down in my preferences....Maybe aviation. So you're applying for pilot?
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    Adfa 2010

    Navy, army or airforce? and which degree?
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    Adfa 2010

    Anyone applying for the ADFA education award to attend ADFA in 2010?
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    Chemistry tutor needed

    I'm looking for a chemistry tutor for years 11 and 12 that lives in the port stephens area or can travel in.
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    'One Day' Roberta (bobbi) Sykes

    Can anyone help? I am looking for the poem 'one day' by roberta sykes. I would like to use it for an essay but cannot find it on the internet. If anyone knows where i can find it PLEASE HELP :) Thankyou!
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    If you have good teachers and don't think you need tutoring then you shouldn't get any. Later on if you're having any difficulties you can always get a tutor to help.
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    SC Results Thread

    Computer Skills: Highly competent Maths: 92 English: 91 Science: 87 Geography: 98 History: 91
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    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    The outsider...Othello and a chosen text. It contrasts with HSC topic : belonging.