Hey guys,
I know this is a long shot and I'm not sure if anyone still uses this...
But exams are coming up and I'm very stressed about the final exam for Phsyiological Systems... If anyone has any resources at all (past papers/sample questions etc) it would be great if you could help out :)
Re: Trial Timetables?
Our school's doing the CSSA timetable which starts in week 3, but for some subjects (modern and english) we have exams first week back, then we have to do our trials two weeks later. does anyone else have this?
We got told that we weren't supposed to use related texts about the Holocaust. I wanted to use Triumph of the Will because we used it in Modern, but apparently we shouldn't :|
You probs couldn't do this as it's too close to the content studied in the Germany national study in Modern History. i wanted to do something similar but it got turned down :(
My first draft is due in two weeks! ah stressed lol
My teacher said we should write it as if we were writing our final draft, trying to answer our question etc etc as it will show us where we need to improve and research more. He said it doesn't matter if it has more holes in it than swiss...
wait what? i only skimmed over what everyone was saying, because it seemed to be rather repetitive. what did you have to say dp624? your opinion does matter :)
oh how i love the keyboard warriors in this thread. personally, i think it is a bit suss that nearly all the 100UAI go to JR, but they are a selective school and they do without a doubt work hard. it's not the students fault if they're given Prelim/HSC work in years 9/10 it's the teachers.
wow. we only have like 110 kids in our year? some of you have more than that doing ONE subject. SEVEN chem classes. that's INSANE!
we have one lol
the most we have of one class besides eng and maths is 2 and that's for modern, pd, bio, ancient and legal. i still can't believe SEVEN...
what do you have to do to get 100UAI?
i'm pretty sure you can get any uai if you maintain your ranks and get good raw marks, regardless of your subjects
yeah lists always help so you know exactly what has to be done. i feel when i write them, it kind of motivates me to do what i have to do.
what are you doing for your history extension major? i need to go to the state library so badly lol
ahh i'm supposed to have my draft history extension paper written and i haven't started! i've done some notes for chem and attempted to start reading my english texts but other than that i've done zilch.
i'm not too worried though, doesn't seem like anyone else has done ANYTHING, so i'm still...
I reckon if you get 95.3 or whatever without studying, and you're being HONEST about it, good on you. If you get 95.3 and say you didn't study but you really did, why try and big note yourself on an online forum? none of us even know you and noone thinks any better of you. you got 95.3 now stop...
I do:
English Advanced
Ancient History
Modern History
History Extension
is it possible for me to get a UAI of 93+?
also, how much do your school ranks effect your UAI, or is it more assessment marks?
I don't really understand the system so if someone could explain...
of all the subjects i'm doing i'm freaking out about history extension the most. to whoever made the first post with all the quotes i thank you soooooo much! awesome effort :) any tips or advice for someone who's just started the course?