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  1. quixote studios

    Just starting out

    Your asking two different questions. Cutting (ie toning) involves losing body fat, whereas bulking up requires you to eat shitloads. Try and find the weight that you can comfortably use, then go pick the one that's a bit heavier. Also you don't need any cardio equipment cept shoes...and clothes...
  2. quixote studios

    Does God exist?

    Consider the source of the divine: humans. The gods are gods and not myths because we actively attribute to them the status of gods. Hence conscience does originate from the divine; Homo Divus. @ will to power: I don't think it's (just) the desire to dominate society. Rather, it's the desire to...
  3. quixote studios


    yes. guns dont work on cancer
  4. quixote studios

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics lolwut. china stops buying minerals and metals. bhp and rio collapse. banks that lent money to them take hits. funds that invested in them fold. stock market tanks. millions of people lose money, their jobs, their super losing a finger won't kill you, but the blood...
  5. quixote studios

    Investment Banking!111

    imo it's like acting or sports really. hit it big, and you'll hit it BIG. bonuses for a hedge fund manager easily go into 7,8 figures, plus perks. then again, most people get stuck in some middle level of a big firm, not high enough to get huge paychecks but not low enough to get away with...
  6. quixote studios

    Hillary Clinton OR Barack Obama?

    hell yeah, id hit that with a low orbit ion cannon
  7. quixote studios

    Who pays board?

    $100 rent in mosman? shit, I'd be the house bitch for something like that
  8. quixote studios

    Does anyone write poetry?

    I write love poetry. Mostly abstract and vague so I can reuse it
  9. quixote studios


    try the lindt choclate cafe if youre rich (or pretending to be). tiramisu=orgasmic
  10. quixote studios

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

  11. quixote studios


    Health insurance companies already look at genetics, ie your family's medical history. Insurance companies exist to make money. The more chance you have of getting sick, the more premium they're going to charge to cover that. Incidently, your last few lines describe modern society remarkably...
  12. quixote studios

    About human existance

    alcohol. sex. rinse, lather, repeat
  13. quixote studios


  14. quixote studios

    Clothes & Trends that Men Hate

    generic asian look, ie miniskirt/pants, dyed big hair, etc. yeah, its hot, but its so fucking generic, and makes u look skanky on the flip side, heeled boots (stiletto esp) are major hotness. also wouldnt mind classy, eg gloves and cigarrette holder, like audrey hepburn in breakfast at tiffany's
  15. quixote studios

    How Do You Think You'll Get Married?

    me: marry me her: but i already have a husband! me:...wut