I just read up on existentialism and its beliefs
God, talk about depressing. No wonder so many people commit suicide with these beliefs running around.
Me and my journal aren't really talking at the moment.
We had a long fight over characterisation and we haven't talked since. Unfortunately, it has ruined my relationship with my major work so I'm in the process of trying to patch up the problems we are all having.
Oh, I just remember a cartoon but I can't remember the name.
It was about a kid who got sucked into his nintendo and he travels with his friends. Megaman was there and a few others.
Anyone remember it?
I loved techno man. God that was a good last episode too.
Na, don't knock spongebob. Gotta love Patrick. He's so tupid its hilarious.
I watch cheez tv but the stuffed up the DBZ saga. The skipped from halfway through series 4 to the beginning of series 5
Yea, but you gotta remember Rahul. At our school, most the people take english as a second language. :lol:
Na, people find maths easier than english cause it takes more imagination in english and, lets face it, most people are lazy bastards.
Sorry dude, but I haven't heard of either of theose programs.
Oh another favourite english comedian: The pub guy. You know. The guy who always goes on stage with a beer or two.
Can't remember his name.