Hey thanks tallkid34 for all your advice. It's really helpful!
So I've had my phone interview for New College now. I think it went ok but I reckon it's way harder than doing an interview face-to-face.
I asked about offers as well. The Dean said mid December for most people but for the med...
Hey, I got my interview invitation yesterday! Woohoooo but I guess everyone who applies gets an invitation anyway. So nothing special....oh well....
Anway, I replied by email last night and I haven't received a confirmation email from the Dean yet. Should I bother calling? Or am I just being...
Hey I'm applying for New as well!! Sent off my application form 2 weeks ago.
Tallkid34 how long did it take for you to get your interview (after you sent off all the forms)? How do you find out if you get an interview (ie. do they phone you or send you a letter)? Did you do a telephone...
wow rahrah, I'd hate that to happen to me
Actually it nearly did, because I tried logging on on Friday and I could. So I assumed I had gotten an interview but just hadn't received an email about it. But luckily the offer email came on Monday!! Phew!
Congrats LottoX!
Yeah I am a transfer student. I'm first year uni studying science. I've applied to all the universities that take NRSLs. Velox, why didn't you apply?
Well UNSW med interview offers have now been emailed.....did any BoSers get one???
I managed to get one and was told that 370 applicants are being interviewed for the September round!!