I'm looking for a place where they sell healthy food on campus, specifically a place which has high amounts of protein and less fats and carbohydrates. Apparently the cafeteria near sci tech use to sell chicken breast with sauce, but now they've stopped. :(
Any suggestions on healthy food will...
Hi guys,
Does anybody have access to the USYD Faculty of Econ & Business blackboard app? I can't log into the Faculty of Econ & Business section so I can access my resources on my iPhone. :(
So I'm transferring from UNSW to USYD and I've lost my TFN. Is there a possible way to retrieve it through my previous uni (UNSW) since I was paying via. HECS? Or should I ring the ATO instead?
2009 ATAR: 92.85.
Current WAM: 58.
Original course: Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance) @ UNSW.
Course I would like to transfer into: Bachelor of Professional Accounting/Bachelor of Applied Finance @ MQ.
Previous years ATAR cutoff for MQ: 88.8.
What's the likelihood of me receiving an...
If anybody has any material for the following subjects:
ACCG200: Fundamentals of Management Accounting (3)
ACCG224: Intermediate Financial Accounting (3)
ACCT252: Applied Financial Analysis and Management (3)
BUSL250: Business Law (3) E-Book would be awesome...
For the people who have known me in the past, yes, I am definitely transferring from UNSW to Macquarie. Why do you ask? Because I can't be screwed travelling 1.5 hours to University and back for another whole year. I'd rather hop on the M7 motorway and get to Macquarie North Ryde in 20 minutes...
Hello people,
Out of these four possible Accounting units, I was wondering which one would you recommend and for what reason? Or what subject have you already undertaken/are planning to undertake?
ACCT3583 Management Accounting 2 (6 UOC)
ACCT3585 E-Business: Strategy & Process (6 UOC)...
Hi everyone,
I was initially accepted into the B. Commerce/B. Economics program at UNSW back in 2009 (Looking at these 2011 HSC threads makes me feel old lol). As a current second year student going into his third year, I've realised that 3 years is way too short to be graduating from...
Hello all. I'm looking for the following textbooks:
ACCT2542: Corporate Financial Reporting.
Australian Accounting Standards: 2ED Edition.
FINS3616: International Business Finance.
Multinational Finance: 4E Edition. Bought, not looking for it anymore.
FINS2624: Portfolio Management...
Willing to purchase the most recent editions of MARK2052 and FINS1613:
Marketing Research 2ED - Zikmund William G.
Essentials of Corporate Finance - Ross.
Please PM me your offer/price or send an email to:
1. MGMT1001 - Management 5.
$40.00 (RRP: $72.86) RRP changed to reflect this years price compared to last years.
2. ECON1101 - Principles of Microeconomics 2E.
$60.00 (Traded it for my finance textbook with a friend, so I'm not aware about the RRP.) SOLD.
3. ECON1203 - Keller's Statistics for...
Buying both FINS1612 and MARK1012 textbooks!
PM me if you have either of the following textbooks with:
1. The condition of the textbook (e.g. highlighted marks).
2. The price.
3. Where to meet up. (Preferably UNSW).
ECON1203 (QMB): Statistics for management and economics 8E. $70.
MGMT1001: Management 5. (Mint condition, bought it this year on retail at the UNSW bookshop) - $80.
ECON1203 and MGMT1001 are both in mint condition. MGMT1001 comes with the workbook.
PM me thanks.
Hey everyone,
I get to uni via. two alternative ways:
1. Bus from Baulkham Hills to Westmead Station -> Train from Westmead Station to Central -> Bus from Eddy Avenue to UNSW. (Bus->Train->Bus)
2. Car from Baulkham Hills to Seven Hills Station (rarely) -> Train from Seven Hills Station to...
Is anyone else having a similar problem logging onto unsw blackboard to complete ELISE?
I emailed UNSW IT tech and received the following message:
I ensured the lower case and it still didn't work. Then...
Hey guys,
Congratulations to all the people who received offers :). I'm accepting my offer now on "myUNSW" and I was wondering if I could skip the tax file number part and go onto fixing my timetable? I applied for a tax file number today (express post via. post office), so I should be able...
Did anyone else receive the following email from UAC?
Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) Pty Ltd
I'm really paranoid and worried now. Is it an offer, or did I not fill out my preferences correctly? Do I need to pay a late fee?
So many things rushing in my mind. I have to...
UAC preferences (LAST MINUTE HELP!)
Hello. :o
Recently, I changed my UAC preferences around and I was wondering whether I need to pay a late fee or not. Yes, I know it's last minute, but this is what Counterstrike does to you.
If I do have to pay a late fee, can it be done online? Or do...