I just have a real urge at the moment to work on my writing skills.
I wouldn't say I suck but there is definitely a lot of room for improvement. I have been following a few blogs recently and they way some of these people write is really inspiring and it's definitely a valuable skill to have in...
I missed the computing tutorial which was supposed to introduce us to maple.
Can someone who went fill me in on what happened.
I don't really understand the maple part of 1131 and pretty angry i misread that pdf file :@
Thanks :)
Hi there :)
I am deciding what subjects to pick for the first semester and I'm wondering if there is any sort of scaling at uni?
The reason I ask is because I intend to do medicine down the line (dont hate me) and would like to maintain as higher GPA/WAM as possible.
Am I more likely to...
How hard would it be to get 80+wam without hsc chemistry?
Will the bridging course help much?
Does anyone know what sort of umat score you need to have a chance at the lateral entry into medicine?
Thanks :)
Hi there,
Im interested in doing Medical Science at UNSW.
I was wondering what kind of jobs you can get after completing this degree.
What the job prospects are and how much pay you can get?
Hey guys i read some interesting posts on this site and was wondering if the reputation of the university u do med at matter at all if much ?
Say 'person a' graduates with an mbbs from unsw and 'person b' graduates from uws with an mbbs are they on an equal standing ? Would there be any long...
Hey guys im an 08'er and im willing to help people online in the subjects that i did last year ( it should show up below - i hope) for FREE !
Except english lol
Just pm me =)
Hey guys was just wondering if anyone out there applied for usyd's combined med program and what ud like to combine with. They now offer combinations with commerce and economics lol.
And do you know of anyone that got in with less than 99.95 ? I dont see how its possible to fill up 10-15...
Hey guys i am planning to apply for a few courses in queensland. Can someone give me an outline of how to do this. With uac it was pretty much all taken care of by school but i got no idea what i have to do to apply in q;d.
I know that there uac thing is called QTAC but i have no idea what i...
So there hasnt been a stupid thread in a while so i decided to make one ;)
From hardest to easiest :
Harder 3u, Mechanics (maybe cos i havent really done enough practice tet but meh), Volumes (always make silly mistakes here), Complex numbers, the rest are equally easy hehe
Hey guys anyone know where i can purchases bio trial papers with solutions....i am already aware of ones on this site.
I must say that compared to all other subjects the past papers availible in the resource section for biology is pretty bad.
Hey guys, i was just wanted some advice on filling out the med application form for unsw. What sort of qualities are they looking for? I am having real trouble filling it out as everything i say is very cliche and sort of rubric med stuff that im sure they read year after year. How can i make my...
Just a quick roll call thingo to see how people who went to umat workshops (or got hand me down materials hehe) are prgressing with the practice questions.
I personally have no idea how i will find time to finish all the questions thanks to my stupid school with assesments spread throughout...
I was wondering how much working out we need to show when using the reverse chain rule. For example when integrating sin^4x cos x dx can we just claim than I= sin 5x/5 + c. Since I is in the form f'(x){f(x)}^n therefore it is = f(x) ^n+1/(n+1) +c.
I am aware that this q can also be done by...
Does anyone have biology past papers with solutions/marking guidelines?
AND Yesss i do know about resourse section but very little is availible. Does anyone know where we can get trial papers like cssa, neap, stansw ect ?
A guy at my school has all of em...original copies...but has...
Hey guys as the title suggests, what topics have you done at school and externally i.e. tuition.
I was scared to death to hear people in my class talking about finishing of their last topic in the holidays ! Anyone else in the same boat. :mad1:
So far i have done complex, curve sketching...
Hey sorry I cant add the q its kindve of to do with a diagram. Can someone with the book please help me? Q2.9.7 pg 59 parts a,b, and g ! I can get the rest of them by applying Lenz's law but i cant figure it out for the ones above. I tried using lenz's law with the right hand rule but its not...