My method for writing from year 7 to now has always been to follow my gut instinct...i have only really been practising writing fast, and clearly communicating my ideas, rather than memorising an essay. Albeit, i do struggle with timing and perfectionism so maybe the memorised would have been a...
I am terribly confused!
So for module A right, i hear many people emphasise the need for a conceptual thesis, and then other people saying you should just introduce the text and answer the question exactly right off the bat.
sometimes people say band 6...
Hey! So i see a lot of people talking about this and it confuses me a little! Ive never bothered with memorising essays, all i have ever needed were quotes and a thesis that i can adapt…but now thinking about it, since i can get a bit perfectionistic with my writing and thus slow myself down in...
Hey!! So, i havent been doing too hot this year. But look, is what it is…ill still try my best!
I saw a post similar to this earlier, and now i have similar questions!
I got my ranks back and, its not horrendous, aside from history extension (REGRET TAKING IT SOB SOB)…i think much of this has...
Hey! So, havent been doing to hot this year. I don't expect to get a high atar whatsoever, maximum in the 60s range for me.
Im not at all worried about universities and things, really there are so many other pathways, and the courses i am aiming for have a very achievable range, or have good...
For anyone here who is really good with this…with exam questions, does one get faster at knowing what formula to use when you do more practice papers? Or is it more a matter of logically understanding how the formulas work on a more literal level. I hope this makes sense!
I find in chemistry...
I had an excuse to absolutely YAP. Im very pleased with myself.
I spoke on the relationship between Kid A, Amnesiac and visual arts. Radiohead are an art rock band in the most literal sense possible. :tongue2:
Hello! Bloody hell im a bit confused.
You know how, erm, the more carbons there is in an alcohol the more negative the enthalpy of combustion, yes?
In a practical i did on the combustion of alcohols of increasing sizes, the opposite seems to apply. 1-Propanol has the highest enthalpy of...
I can see them on a lot of other comments, but i cant see it on my own. Is that just the formatting, or do i have to manually add that?
Also what is a 'signature'? I hear people talk about those!
Hello fellow extension history takers. I am very excited to begin but I of course am also a little nervous. I have 3 major works in total I will be working on, including for this course so i want to know if firstly there are any strategies you guys use that have really really helped you with...
Greetings! Just started my HSC/Year 12 studies. Its currently term four of 2023, i will be graduating in 2024.
I am currently doing subjects i quite enjoy, aside from business studies which i am more *bleh* about. We have Chemistry, English Advanced, English Extension 1 & 2, Visual Arts...