Search results

  1. KloppsAndRobbers

    USYD vs UNSW [ Adv Computing vs Bsc (Comp Sci) ]

    Currently I've been looking at two degrees mainly, Bachelor of Commerce/Advanced Computing @ USYD & Commerce/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) @ UNSW. My first concern is the quality of the course between in the unis. Although people were telling me that USYD was bad for computing...
  2. KloppsAndRobbers

    Adv Math @ Uni. Is it hard?

    I've been looking at degrees and I think I might want to do a Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) / Commerce @ UNSW. My main concern tho is if Adv Math would be too difficult for me as I only do 3U. Anyone doing the degree or know someone who does it help me out pls.
  3. KloppsAndRobbers

    Moderation - Example

    What would be the internal moderated mark for each student in a situation like this? Internal Mark HSC Mark Internal Moderated Mark Student A - 99 95 Student B - 94 93 Student C - 93 93 Student D - 92 94 Student E - 91 92 Student F - 90 93 Student G - 89 93
  4. KloppsAndRobbers

    Synthetic Division

    Are we allowed to use Synthetic Division for exams?
  5. KloppsAndRobbers

    Most important concepts??

    What are the most important concepts by Module in bio? I mean the ones that get tested most often.
  6. KloppsAndRobbers

    Vectors Syllabus/Questions

    What Cambridge Lessons is this dot point referring to: ME-V1.2 Operations with Vectors - solve problems involving displacement, force and velocity involving vector concepts in two dimensions. If anyone has a question bank for the dot point, please send it through lol.
  7. KloppsAndRobbers

    UAC Preferences

    When picking your top 5 preferences round by round, how do you go about doing so? Like do we pick the main ones you want to get into straight away in the initial rounds or only later on? School hasn't really given much info on UAC preferences and rounds and such.
  8. KloppsAndRobbers

    Feedback for LFR & RIII essay

    Hey, is anyone willing to provide feedback for my essay (900ish words)? Thanks in advance
  9. KloppsAndRobbers

    Mathematic Induction Question

    Been trying for ages - atp I just want to see it solved. Please help me lol.