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  1. F

    Fort Street vs Sydney Girls

    What is the school environment like at SGHS? Is it more welcoming and friendly than Fort Street? Which is the better school without considering rank? Thanks!
  2. F

    Fort Street vs Sydney Girls

    Fort Street vs Sydney Girls...which is a better school, in the way of school environment, friendliness, opportunities, to attend in year 11?
  3. F

    Equation of a locus- help!

    Hey, I know nothing about the locus..Point P(x,y) moves so that the midpoint between P and the origin is always a point on the circle x^2 + y^2 = 1. Find the equation of the locus of P...from Maths In Focus Ex 7.2 Thanks!
  4. F

    Auxiliary method

    When solving a question like 3sintheta + 4costheta = 0, how would you know which sum or difference of two angles to use? For example, what makes you choose to use sin(theta + alpha) instead of cos(theta + alpha)?
  5. F

    Fitzpatrick textbook

    Does anyone know where I can buy 2U and 3U prelim and HSC Fitzpatrick textbooks? Am I dumb if I find some questions from Maths In Focus hard?
  6. F

    Trig exact values and identities

    How would you find the exact value of sin 67.5 cos 67.5? :/
  7. F

    Maths In Focus Prelim Ex 6.14, Q8

    I'm working from the Maths In Focus prelim ext. 1 textbook (Grove) and am so stuck on ex 6.14, question 8...cosine rule doesn't seem to be!