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  1. I

    Week One: I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING. ;-;

    Hi, so it was my first time at university yesterday and I'm doing a Bachelor of Business (I am starting to doubt it because there are so many essays due and quizzes, I kind of wished I did some health science ;-; But it's too late... so yeah, hopefully I learn to enjoy Business, or maybe I'm...
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    How do I know where to go on Day 1?

    Hi, so I think the classrooms were finally released on the timetable and all I see are letters and numbers. I am so nooby... but how am I meant to know where to go Day 1 23rd... I mean I know Central station but I only kinda know the main old building, so I have a feeling I'd be lost and late...
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    BUSINESS Subjects and Semesters, allocate subjects according to COURSE OUTLINE book?

    So I called the Student Centre just then (it worked, after 3 times) And I have this one subject where the Tutorial and Lecture times are not suitable so they said I could move that course to Semester 2. But according to the course book, that subject was supposed to be done in Autumn (it says...
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    Contacting UTS for HELP with TIMETABLE

    Hi, I guess you see a lot of my threads here, but I am so lost. I have a class clash and I sent an EREQUEST last week and nothing has been done, it's still on the SUBMITTED status, and UNI is starting soon. I am so lost/nervous... and there is a time I want to change because it's unsuitable...
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    Hi so I have an issue. I was kind of late to make my timetable so I was left with all the bad times like at night time... Anyway I have an issue. One of my subjects clash in terms of lecture AND tutorial with another subject and there are no other options as they are all full and that was the...
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    Help with enrolling for UTS and picking subjects

    Hi, I am have been accepted in Bachelor of Business at UTS. I've been trying to enrol for the past 3 days but it's really confusing. I've logged into the Student Admin page, and click on Enrol/Plan Subjects. I've followed the Course Handbook when picking core subjects so that is fine. Then...