From Fundamentals of Physics 10th Ed
When I resolve the forces I get this:
but the answers have this:
I can't see how the forces in the y direction is meant to be FN - mgcosθ = 0
I think the error stems the mg component but I can't see where I am going wrong. inb4can'tdoyear9trigonometry
So the HSC legal studies exam is less than 12 days away so let's get practicing
A quick tl;dr guide:
Multiple Choice:
20 questions drawn from prelim and HSC
they are 15 crime questions and 5 human rights responses
these questions are bullshit; don't spend too long on them (~1/question)
Firstly; I did not get 99.95 nor attend James Ruse. soz not really
Hey there :D
My name is Square and I did my HSC in 2013. I took English; Legal Studies; Physics and 3/4U Mathematics. From here; I was able to get a decent ATAR I am now studying Mechatronic Engineering/Computer Science...
Say in an ideal world were the government wouldn't sell your data to the highest bidder, would you let the government spy on you every day, every minute, literally every second (irrespective of what the constitution and any laws say) to 'keep you safe'?
Kind of like the one in Person of...