i got an offer from unsw medical science which was my first preference, however I want to do medical science in Usyd now. So the question is...can I accept the current offer then change my preference to have Usyd as my 1st? Would I be considered for the next round offer while having a course in...
Why the hell are all the sites blocked? D:
I mean like even yahoo mail, youtubes and stuff, can I like unblock them and would I be in trouble for it? :O
Have any of you guys done it?
And as you can guess, I just got it today -.-
Well, this is the maths I'll be doing in year 12. I dunno what this is equivalent to in NSW. Any suggestions?
Units 3 and 4: Mathematical Methods (CAS)
Mathematical Methods (CAS) Units 3 and 4 consists of the following areas of study: ‘Functions and graphs’, ‘Calculus’, ‘Algebra’ and...
What does internal and external mark means? ):
And when does the HSC exams happen - like in both the middle and end of year?
What's UAI? How does it differ to ATAR?
Sorry guys, quite a lot of question, but will be glad if you could help (:
(and yes, i did google and stuff, but i don't get it ):
Hey guys,
I'm moving to sydney next year to do grade 12 from melbourne.
I dunno anything about the HSC and stuffs, are they similar to VCE exams?
And is it even possible to join in year 12 without doing year 11 over there? :confused2: