Hey guys,
I have a business assignment due and its about the Qantas dispute. I dont really know what it is about, so could anyone please help me??
You can email me on madeleine.khoury@hotmail.com
Thankyou Madeleine
hey guys would any one be able to just list the australian events that occurred in the formation and change in position of the Australian continent from its super continent origins (300 million yrs ago) to the present.???
Would be much appreciated if you could help :)
Regards Madeleine
hey im Madeleine Khoury,
Im doing my historical investigation on the boxer rebellion China topic, so basically what were the aims, origins and memvership of the boxer society, etc.
If there is anybody that has any sort of help they can give me e.g. notes, advice etc it would be much...
hey guys,
im madeleine and i have this assignment and i kind of need some help
woild it be possible for anyone to give me some information, knowledge or any points about
'ayatollah khomeini and the nature and rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East and the what was the impact of...
heyy i juts want somone to kinda give me topic example statements for the statement
"even apparent simple journeys can lead to an insight and understanding"
Please helpppp
much appreciated Madeleine Khoury
heyy i have an english assignment and it would be much appreciated of someone could just check my assignemnt to see if i am on the right track
Thanks heapss
Madeleine Khoury
hey does anyone have access to the answers from Blakehurst High School half yearly exams for 2006 or 2002?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
The question states:
To what extent can the actions of Nicholas II and his wife be held responsible for the causes of the February Revolution in Russia?
It would be much appreciated of someone could help :)