There was an email in December about the Digital Subscription being extended until January 31, 2013. I tried accessing it today and it says that my subscription has expired. :( I was hoping to view the University offers published in todays paper.
I guess I have a very low chance of being hired right now as applications for Christmas Casuals have closed but what about after New Year? I'm looking for an entry level job in retail or food. Also, what are some companies that will hire casual or part-time workers who are studying at Uni?
I received an email from the boredofstudies today titled: "Your complimentary SMH pass for better HSC marks". When I click on the link in the email it comes up with a page saying "No URL found for this tracker ID". :(
How can I get the SMH Smartpass?
I was thinking about doing some group study in year 12 but I'm not exactly sure how you study as a group. :confused:
All I can think of is asking each other questions.
I'm guessing that most schools are starting to organise the year 12 jackets or jerseys. Which one are you getting?
Also, what are you putting on the back of your jersey?
I'm getting a varsity jacket & I have no idea what I'm going to put on the back of it. I need to think of something witty.
I was just browsing the App store last night when I searched for 'HSC' and an app called CalculATAR came up. I'm not sure how accurate it is but if someone gives me their marks I can try it for them.
It's made by Samuel Klistorner & the only info I could find on it is here.
So we're in the final term of year 11. :/ Is anyone planning on going for prefect or school captain?
I'll probably try out for prefect but not school captain as prefects don't have to do as much but still get the title. Or I could go for vice but that also requires a lot of work.
I'm just...
So I just got an iPhone and I wanted to know what the best apps to get are. Preferably education, game, productive apps but feel free to suggest any more.
I'm stuck on how to solve this question.
Find the exact value of:
\cos22.5^{\circ} \sin22.5^{\circ}
So far all I can think of is:
1-\sin 2x^{\circ}
The answer in the book is:
\frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}} = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{4}
If \sin x = \frac{2}{3} and \cos y = \frac{3}{4}
Find the exact value of:
\sin (x + y)
All I have done is drawn 2 right angled triangles & labelled each side. Not sure what to do next. :/
Heard of it before? There's also LOLPython but methinks LOLCode is better.
# LOL!!1
alias wtf='dmesg'
alias onoz='cat /var/log/errors.log'
alias rtfm='man'
alias visible='echo'
alias invisible='cat'
alias moar='more'
I've heard that people over 15 years of age are allowed to be Scrutiny Assistants for elections.
Does anyone know what the pay is like & where exactly to apply? I know you can apply online but there's also a form to fill out & mail too.
Are there any other election jobs that people 15...