don't stress
you might think that the hsc is just a hurdle you need to cross and it'll be smooth sailing after
but life doesn't get any easier
only endone eases the pain
run by a group called ace tuition
i went to their free umat prep thing yesterday evening and it was actually super helpful
they did do a bit of advertising at the end so i just fucked off
i'd suggest to give it a whirl
(no, i am not...
Come and contemplate suicide with me.
Were you a high school leaver or non-standard? What was your ATAR/GPA and UMAT? Where did you apply? Did you attend any interviews? Are you going to try again next year? What are you planning on doing in the meantime?
High school leaver...
okay i know it's difficult to compare two different degrees
but for example both medical science and engineering involve maths subjects in first year
from the looks of it the med sci maths is heaps easier, like general maths vs ext 2
do unis have a scaling system to counter this...
b medical science @ unsw (3 years), m biomedical engineering @ unsw (1.5 years), $4000
b medical science/b engineering (mechanical(biomedical)) @ usyd (5 years)
So I was just gonna do engineering but found out I can combine it with law at UNSW, seems like a weird combination to me :S
I sorta have an interest in law (not really), do these two courses really complement each other in any way?
Can I just do law and drop it later if I end up hating it?
These aren't my exact raw marks that I got from the board of studies, they're just estimates (fairly accurate imo) from marking my own answers ~6 hours after each exam when answers became available from Terry Lee and others.
Mathematics Extension 1
Raw: ~79/84, 94%
Aligned: 96...
The sequel to the best-selling worldwide hit "Farming Simulator" has loads of new features!
Assume the role of a farmer experiencing the challenge of 18 hour days running a new farm in the middle of beautiful rolling countryside.
You start the game by choosing from a small collection of...
after being rejected from uws i'd already given up on my hsc because i was like "hey if i didn't get into uws then how the fuck would i get in anywhere else?"
well hey guess what came in the mail from uncle/une yesterday afternoon after i'd finished all my exams???
fuck i hate life
i'm not some basement-dwelling james ruse 99.95 atar faggot so don't expect anything awesome
it's just average stuff from an average student
but here is some of my hsc shit
edit: 2011 atar - 98.55 (fucking 0.45)
-creative writing:
do i let loose and do everything freehand, saving time
or do i spend my time making everything look perfect with compasses, rulers, protractors etc. ???
what do you do???