I am doing BE(ICT Software) and might do an elective this summer.... Can someone suggest me an elective which might be offered this summer and should be an easy one to do!!......
Hey Guys m facin sme problem with understandin timetables....
So here it is
1..Do most of u havin classes(comp,lectures,tuts) 5 days a week..
2.in my subject activities under week section for example is written
Math Mod 1
Lec 1
27/2 - 9/4
is that mean I ve...
Hey all..I am an Intl student and will be joinin UTS this year for B Engg ICT....
I came to know bout the diagnostic Test which will include 2 Unit HSC Mathematics and Moving about Physics...So I dont know what 2 unit Maths means and also the movin bout physics....Can someone elaborate these...