i just came across this blog/article, read it briefly and was interested in what bos thought too.
What men dislike about single women
i had a read of it and it raised some really interesting points. so is this really what people face when dating? my mind is still in the teen years so i...
so how many of you have encountered some social issues with your significant other's friends and/or family, or even your own friends/family?
would you ever let the people around you make decisions about your relationship? would you subject yourself to them just to make them happy? what if they...
here it is people. post weird and amazing things that you have seen people do. e.g. tricks, talents etc.
for me, i saw my bestie put a lit matchstick in her mouth like 5 times. and the last time she burnt her tongue. :lol: i was thinking wtfff shes eating fire?!?!
i also find it so amazing...
so, bos i need ideas on what colour i should dye my hair :)
ive previously had brown/blonde highlights, and been full mahogany brown.
now i want a change. any suggestions of colours?? preferably in the brown/blonde range.
note: i will NOT go platinum blonde. ever.
during uni, one of my class mates had to do a presentation of what her backyard looked like. and her house was really nice. modern. no backyard at all really. was a pool and courtyard.
now im interested to know what kind of houses everyone lives in.
care to share? ill start. this is my house...
okay so my laptop is lagging SO BADLY (i had to retype this sentence 4 times now)
is slow to turn on and off, typing is LAGGING. everything is just lagging =/
virus protection hasnt detected any viruses. (but im attempting to update virus protction from avast back to McAfee)
wtf else can i...
okay bos'ers... who does psych and who knows wat the fuck we have to do for the essay.
question is:
"critically evaluate the suggestion that from standard intellectual and cognitive assessments may not be accurate for some cultural groups, such as indigenous australians"
now, yer ive got...
well heres the place to talk about all the old fave nick shows.
Hey Arnold
AHHHH Real Monsters!
Rocko's Modern life
any other shows you loved to watch and miss?
is it ever possible to block out love from your heart and listen to your brain instead??
in my case no matter how hard i try to not love this guy.. i cant stop. i block him out of my mind, then someone brings him up in a conversation. and now im having dreams about him. it seems the more i try...
post pics of ur dream car/hot cars
i was just browsing cars and shit looking for a car that i could buy etc.
and then i got bored and looked at all the fucking hot cars..
im a sports car junkie xD
so who here does dancing as a hobby??
and also, can someone recommend me some places to take up dance?
i used to do dancing when i was young (4-7) and i just stopped going :/band now im craving to dance again.
so how was your orientation???
i went to parra's orientation today for fun. :p
im a btown'er tehehhehehe.
wanted to go to see what the campus was like. super awesome! so nice and modern! got the thumbs up from me.
but personally the highlight for me was the nickname of a usb! hehe...
okay. so theres alot of confusion about public transport and getting to your campus.
this i have to ask... is it worth getting a rail/bus pass??
i just looked at the prices and they are horrific!!!!
my planned trip to get to the milperra campus (bankstown) involves me going on a train to...
these relationships are common and are very very sad.
i know of one relationship that is like this. more like a family. this one family is torn apart by their father. on days when he doesnt get high, he takes it out on the family and hits his wife. and just recently he was really abusive to...
things you loved as a kid and still love now!
yogo gorilla mix w' choc chips
wizz fizz and sherbet sticks :p
movie - charlie and the chocolate factory and the wizard of oz
i played age of empires on the comp as a kid... and i still do :o
what makes my ex a dick: he complained to me when he walked from the park in the next suburb to my house. - i just walked it today and i ddnt die of exhaustion or get tired. what was his fucking problem the whinger. i hate that he was such a failed attempt at everything. epic failure at...