The list another user provided above is awesome! Definitely look into those techniques. But always remember! As someone doing four unit English...whats most important is explaining why an author may have chosen to use the technique they did. Why, as in, what effect it creates, both on the story...
It can be a lot of things. It can be a critical, creative, poem, short film…you name it! You have a progress book too, and the teacher helps you develop the whole thing throughout the year. It's awesome!
Of course! Will provide updates!
But also, tangent incoming because this is a topic that has been on my mind recently: having a bit of a mix match of interests can be a little mind boggling sometimes.
Like, theres art…and then I also love mathematics.
Fun fact though! I'm actually seriously...
Barely! I'm just an English nerd and I like databases and researching much more than I think is socially appropriate.
Like, in this comment, do you see the subjects i do down the bottom? If you do i assume i just cant see them from my perspective. If you cant, how do i add them?
I can see them on a lot of other comments, but i cant see it on my own. Is that just the formatting, or do i have to manually add that?
Also what is a 'signature'? I hear people talk about those!
Question out of curiosity, i am very new here....whats a signature?
Are they those things that some people have on the bottom of messages they post? Like the classes they take? I dont see one on myself so i dont know if i have to do that manually. Either that or my subjects arent visible from...
YOOOOO!! Hell yeah!! Im the opposite to you, i really love radiohead...gosh, i think its been a special interest for like four years now. But i dont listen to as much deftones, i have heard of them and really appreciate what they do but at this stage im not a regular listener. Hope i get to...