omg I just noticed this course now after recieving an email from UAC - it looks pretty good!
My ATAR (new UAI) comes out in 6 days and now im really confused about by preferences haha.
I hope to do SOMETHING in medicine/science - pharmacy, dentistry, GP, science research - do you guys...
GPE is always negative because as the distance between the centre of the gravitational field and the mass in the field decreases (i.e. it gets closer to the centre of the larger mass), GPE is lost and decreases
» So, a mass that is an infinite distance away from Earth has GPE of 0. When it moves...
does anyone know why and how does the density of the earth affects g ?
oh and i dont understand why centripetal force/the axis of the earth affects it either ?
thanks :D
Study Timetables.
Well I've been doing some reading (HSC Experience 09 =P) and evry1 seems to have study timetables.
I've never made them, I've just gone with the flow and studied when all my homework was done.
So I was wondering what a study timetable looks like and how do u set it out...