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  1. C

    Assessment Tasks on one day

    bit harsh - after about 3 yrs of uni ive only come across one occasion of having 2 assessments due on one day..and even then the teacher rearranged it- but 3 or 4 before exams....i reckon schools lose sight of the pressure.....far easier to tell ppl to suck it up when theyre the ones not under...
  2. C

    Assessment Tasks on one day

    yeah im sure getting over it is super advice - given one is her major work (which her teacher keeps making her change around) and one is her actual HSC exam (dance) - but either way, thanks for your replies guys. good luck with HSC 08
  3. C

    Assessment Tasks on one day

    Hey- I have a friend in year 12 who has i think its like 3 assessements due on the one day - one for pe one for art one for dance. Shes told all her teachers about it but they wont do anything, so question is - is there any kind of formal policy from BOS that prevents it or advises against it...