never mind it appears the course has become a lot more competitive than from when I got in. HSCPlus and portfolio entry is no longer there. If you do have EAS if must be at least 2.3 points for u as the selection rank was a 99.
What were your UAC preferences?
If u have mysydney than USYD should...
median atar for that course is around a 95.7, plus students get bonus points for getting band 5/6s for hsc plus (check if u r eligible for any). You should have gotten an offer if your atar is a 96+. The cohort is bigger as well so the atar should be dropping not increasing. If you do have...
Well said, I think my main issue is that of u want tutoring get it from someone who has done very very well. I feel ask though students themselves will end up paying so much for someone who hasn’t gotten that well and could have replicated that by studying on their own. Would be better for them...
Exactly well said, though if I was a rich north shore child wanting to pay a shit ton for tutoring you would expect the tutor to have at least 95+ for the subject they are tutoring.
I do it for free now for people who can’t afford tutoring and want to get 95+ atars but d have money to get help. I want More people from my community to get into competitive degrees as many people are super smart but because of their school and financ they are not able to get into the...
That’s too much man, I state ranked with 0 tutoring, I did not go to an amazing school and I could not afford tutoring. All u have to do is memorise the right stuff. Most people charge so much and make u come back to them so they get more cash. Each time I did charge people I made sure they only...
Well I make money from other stuff, mind you your first job is not gonna be a shit ton of money u have to start from somewhere. Just like u r expecting to make money the parents who pay u also have to work. D expect them to make more than u. That’s y I d charge, i k my parents would not have...
I've been teaching family consumer and shelter and all my students this year got a b6 (though they did go to a good school which made the whole ranking thing easier).
I also d do any more paid tutoring, I only do free tutoring for those who can give me proof of financial difficulties and...
not to seem rude but I reckon u should lower your prices since you just left hsc, I would understand if u had a 99 in legal or a state rank but that seems overkill. Getting a 88-94 in legal studies is 80% done on the school u go to and your rank, anything above that is an achievement and shows a...
not that I'm aware of I didn't have E12 when I applied, or eas. maybe somethingfo living in a shit place but I wasn't informed of it so idk though I doubt it.
no, i did my hsc in 2022 I'm already in uni doing physio at unsw. i got into usyd law last year in the final round which i just placed there incase i did not get into physio
its a soft cut-off, I got into law (which was my last preference) with an atar just under 99 and I had 0 bonus points, just wait for next round or the final round, should get it by then, but still make sure u have options which u will defo get (like uts law or unsw law-if u did lat)
yeah easily, law isn't that hard to get into so dw, usyd just puts super high numbers on the website but people get in with mid 90s without E12/mysydney so u should be all good
yup sadly that's the case for med, dent and physio where there are no earlier offers or many bonus points (though that should be a sign indicating the high standard of the profession where u d just get in with a low atar like other courses such as law where at one uni u need a 99 and another u...
I got into usyd in the second round with a 98.85 atar and no bonus points, I got unsw in my first and ended up choosing unsw but d think unsw is bad since usyd has more 'prestige' (though the ranks are now the same so it d matter).
d be sad u will probs get an offer for usyd int he next round. I...
the regular 4 + 2 thing is not as good as the unsw 5 year course. Reasongs being that ifd u do 4 years exphys and 2 years masters/doctors of physio u will be having a greater HECS debt as masters are expensive as a separate course, whereas unsw binds it into one so the price is severely...
fair enough, physio is a lot of touching, that's not to say OT has none, you may as an OT have to take nurse and care taker roles, potentially aid elderly or injured patients to take shits and clean up. though it is still fun. u can still receive offers for physio in the following rounds. I do...